What’s the next evolution of a CRM?

We need to get back to brass tacks and really approach our CRM solutions from the ground up. First don’t assume that a 20+ year old CRM system is still as good as it gets. Secondly we should use as many new improved technologies as possible, think AI, modern interfaces, useful integrations, and modern workflow. Most importantly we need to segment our data for our users, I can’t stress this enough, users do not want to see data that isn’t useful to them. Lastly, if there are management reports your business needs then we need to make sure we still maintain if not improve those as best as possible.

Everyone should be concerned that we are still using the same systems to sell from before the year 2000. Instead we should be using newer tools and better systems that enrich and enable our sales people. Systems should be easy to setup and easy to use and quick to get value from. It should pull data from where your users live day to day, not force them into a system they don’t need. Does that describe your current CRM or is it vastly different?

Today we should lean on a number of newer technologies that can really enhance and simplify how sales people increase sales. The key strategy should be requiring less effort and input from the users and more insight and understanding provided. If you can leverage AI, integrate your tools, and reduce the need for manually maintained spreadsheets, then you can focus more on the things that matter. How many spreadsheets do you use now daily, monthly, quarterly?

Bad data and too much data is a problem everywhere. If you don’t solve this issue you won’t even get off the ground. This is not a problem you should make your users solve. Sales people should be selling, not constantly maintaining, updating and inputting data. Also you shouldn’t make your users search for what they need and it shouldn’t be cluttered with useless state information. It should provide insight and guide the users, so that they get as much value as they possible can out of the system. Do you users get value out of your current CRM?

Do you know what is going on with your sales team? Do you know where your risks are and how to mitigate them? I’ll bet you know what deals are doing well and which ones are the most likely to close, but is that all you need? The systems needs to provide management with useful and great reports. These need to be easy to use and not require hours of work to compile anytime you want them updated. In addition they should create insight and discussion that can be used to iterate and improve your sales process.

So can you use existing CRMS to accomplish all of these items? I’d propose that the answer is no and that anyone who thinks they can is selling something to you.